Story Collection

Jungle Harmony: Battling the Virus – A Teamwork Story

Last Updated: November 27, 2023

Welcome to a remarkable teamwork story within a jungle, revealing the challenges of a virus attack and the infallible remedy of Doctor Hathi—an elephant. Ready to immerse yourself in the tale? Read on for an inspiring journey.

Once upon a time, there was a spread of the devastating virus in the forest. Fever, cough, and cold spread so fast that there were carcasses of animals everywhere in the jungle. Some animals started to leave the forest and moved to another place. Due to fear of infection, all the animals were in agitation, and the animal’s relatives could not even touch them. A monkey named Nandu and a Jackal Moti met king Babar without any delay.

Babbar – My dear ministers Nandu and Moti, how do you come here? Is everything fine?

Nandu- O King, nothing is well. The corpses of animals are spreading in our kingdom, and you are swallowing mutton-chicken with a great appetite.

Babbar – Nandu, I know everything, but what can I do? If you have any solution, you can tell.

Moti- We must call a meeting; someone may have a solution.

King Babbar immediately convened a meeting of his cabinet to discuss the matter. All the animals had also participated.

Babbar – Dear friends, we are going through a terrible pandemic. I want you all to be with me to fight against our enemy. Will you join me?

All animals (with zeal) – Yes, we will.

Babbar – To fight against this disease, does someone have any remedy?

An elephant named doctor Hathi is a veteran in the forest. He has vital knowledge of all herbs. Whenever animals are affected by illness, they visit him. Doctor Hathi gives them successful treatment. Therefore all animals trust him.

Doctor Hathi – O King, I have spent eighty years in this kingdom and have faced such diseases many times. Therefore from my experience, I have a remedy. We have to shift all infected friends from our abode to a new one to prevent the further spread of disease. All of us must use decoction in the form of medicine. Turmeric, ginger, and black pepper are boiled in hot water to make a decoction. This remedy is very beneficial in preventing infection and increases the body’s immune. I have some stock of turmeric, ginger, and black pepper but not enough. We must give the responsibility of stealing these ingredients from human farms to the clever army of Nandu and Moti.

I have also discovered yoga and sports. These are effective remedies. All animals have to support each other in this time and will not have to panic at all. If we all stand together and fight against this disease, we will be free from this disease. 

One more thing to remember, we need pure oxygen. We get it from trees, so we have to grow plants for pure air.  It will not cause a lack of oxygen, and sick animals will not face trouble breathing.

Babbar – Friends, is everyone ready to deal with this disease?

All the animals (with joy) – we are ready.

The forest animals made extreme efforts to prevent infection. The agile army of Nandu and Moti filled the residence of Doctor Hathi with turmeric, ginger, and black pepper. Doctor Hathi taught yoga and sports to all. Plants were rooted for pure air, and today the entire forest has become free from this viral infection.

Works Cited

1. Attribution to the featured image for this post: Follow Alice. Black Elephant on Grass Field. Pexels, 1 Nov. 2017, Accessed 27 Nov. 2023.

Preeti Bhandari

Hello, I’m Preeti Bhandari from Bharat (India). Welcome to my web space, where captivating stories, heartfelt memoirs, insightful book reviews, and various miscellaneous articles await you. Embark on this literary journey with me and discover the diverse tapestry of stories waiting to be unveiled.

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